Kelly Felder
Employee Engagement
Inspired leadership has always played a vital role in the development and sustained productivity of any successful organization. In Kelly Felder Employees will be encouraged to work within their creative, physical, and intellectual boundaries. All duties will be divided and delegated according to strengths and weaknesses. At Kelly Felder we will expect a high degree of customer service skills and personality as this is essential to our success.
Organizational Structure
Kelly Felder Group is known for success as an entrepreneur and passion for simple clothing. It is an international business and the company heirachy starts from the CEO and goes down according to the positions. All decisions are made in-line with the company objectives. Employee tasks are delegated based upon their level of expertise, creativity, strengths and weaknesses.
Management Team
Ravi Wickramanayake, Chief Executive Officer at Kelly Felder will be responsible for all administrative functions.He has spent over 14years in managerial sector and working for Kelly Felder as CEO since 2007. As past managerial experience he has workied in MAS holdings,Hirdaramani Group of Companies and BRANDIX. He has extensive background in merchandising, apparel, textiles, fashion and product development. He completed his bachelors at university of colombo and completed his MBA in Postgraduate institute of Management.
Management Style
Kelly Felder Group use democratic management style to achieve its short and long term objective whereby the members of the organization can be able to participate actively in the decision making process. The current system allows for a situation whereby power emanates from the center and being passed down to the employees or members of the organization to be able to implement the decisions made by the senior management.
Source taken from http://www.linkedin.com/pub