Kelly Felder
Employee Engagement
Cultural Diversity in the Workplace
Cultural diversity in the workplace provides strength. It also challenges individuals to respond to their diverse work environment effectively.
“Valuing” individual and group cultural differences is critical to achieving the organizational goals.
Cultural Awareness
Know your own cultural background.
Recognize your own stereotypes and biases.
Gain knowledge of cultural history and heritage.
Be aware of other’s perceptions.
Recognize effects of -ism on the others.
Forming a Team
There are three important characteristics of teams: size, diversity and interdependence. Teams diverse in skill sets and knowledge levels, as well as ethnicity and culture, perform better than those with identical skills sets. Diversity actually decreases team conflicts and enhances creativity.
Cultural Diversity Activities
Multicultural Calendars (cultural information divided by the month, holiday and country)
Fact sheets
Other tools that foster dialogue and questions within the organization
Why are Activities Important?
They help clinicians reach clients who may benefit from a more hands-on or practical learning experience. They encourage clients to become actively involved in the therapeutic process without bias, rather than being passive recipients. Kelly Felder offers annual parties and get-togethers for employees to enjoy and communicate more with their collegues. Kelly also provides different cultural and religious activities accoriding to each employee.
Source taken by: www.state.sc.us/dmh/multi_culture/training/diversity_at_work.ppt